Advisory Team
You’ve seen Beparta’s furniture. It’s not traditional.
It’s flexible, it encourages collaboration, and facilitates anything from groupwork to individual reflection.
Beparta isn’t a traditional company either. We’re flexible, collaborative and 100% open to innovation and ready to push boundaries.
Other furniture companies allow the sales team to dictate which furniture will be offered, they allow the design team to dictate what the furniture looks like.
At Beparta, we’ve always had a consultative approach, we don’t believe we should dictate anything to anyone. Beparta respects that it’s the school leaders, the educators and the students who are the experts on furniture for education. Educators know precisely what is needed to help students learn best. That’s why Beparta won’t design anything without their input.
Beparta has gathered together an impressive Advisory Team of educators, school leaders, academics, and education-focused architects to guide our design process. Our Advisory Team meets regularly to discuss furniture that is needed for engaging education spaces, to review the designs we have developed and to discuss the results of trialing our (almost) finished products in actual classrooms.